PM Abiy Urges Exposing Forces Trying to Divide Nation

3 Mons Ago
PM Abiy Urges Exposing Forces Trying to Divide Nation

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has called for exposing forces that are attempting to divide the country and polarize its people by undermining national unity.

PM Abiy made the remarks on Saturday while addressing a public rally that was organized to support his leadership and reform at  Wolkite town, located in the Central Ethiopia Regional State.

In his speech, the Premier hailed the Gurage people for demonstrating in practice that peace and development can be attained through preaching peace and living peacefully.

"The Gurage people have long experienced the blessings of unity and coexistence," Dr. Abiy said, adding that their history serves as an example of peace for all Ethiopians.

The Prime Minister commended the Gurage for resolving challenges through traditional conflict resolution mechanisms, reconciliation, and judicial systems, thereby maintaining peaceful coexistence until the present day.

"Since the Gurage people do not open the door for forces seeking to undermine the unity of Ethiopia and have a steadfast stance on Ethiopian unity, all need to unite for the country's unity," he stated.

Dr. Abiy emphasized that sustainable peace can only be achieved by thinking about peace, living peacefully, and teaching peace.

He, therefore, urged certain elements trying to undermine Ethiopia's unity and peace to refrain from their destructive acts.

The Prime Minister called on all Ethiopians to unite for peace, national coexistence, and strengthening unity while exposing forces bent on dividing the nation and polarizing its people.

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