Ethiopia's Prosperity Party Delegation Visits Beijing

30 Days Ago
Ethiopia's Prosperity Party Delegation Visits Beijing

A high-level delegation from Ethiopia's Prosperity Party, led by Adisu Arega and comprising senior party officials at various levels, has arrived in Beijing, China. The delegation is engaged in discussions aimed at strengthening the strategic partnership between the Prosperity Party and the Communist Party of China.  

According to Adisu Arega, the visit aims to further enhance the strategic partnership and friendship between the two parties, exploring avenues for increased cooperation. Discussions will cover party building, ensuring sustainable development through popular movements, public and international relations, and experience sharing.

As per the scheduled program, the delegation received briefings from leaders of the Communist Party of China. The presentations highlighted China's efforts to ensure prosperity, the path taken to achieve growth while preserving diversity, and the benefits of its non-interference policy in the internal affairs of other countries.

It was noted that Ethiopia and China have enjoyed longstanding diplomatic relations spanning centuries, and the Prosperity Party is committed to elevating this relationship to higher levels of cooperation and mutual benefit.  

The delegation's visit also aims to expedite the implementation of previously agreed-upon areas of collaboration between the two parties, both at the party-to-party and government levels, including training and experience sharing.

The Prosperity Party delegation's visit to Beijing underscores the strategic importance of strengthening ties with the Communist Party of China and fostering greater cooperation between the two nations.

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